Rawness. Rashes. Burning. Blisters. These are just a few of the common symptoms and side effects of itchy, irritated, and dry skin.
Whether it’s slight scaling or severe soreness, skin that feels overly dry often leaves you questioning why. Why does it feel like every ounce of moisture has been drained from my pores? Why do my smile lines feel like they’re going to crack open when I laugh? Why does my skin easily flake off when I rub my chin? This can be tiring and discouraging to go through, we know. But before you dart to isle five of your local pharmacy to stock up on heavy oils and hydrating ointments, we want you to consider some of the everyday factors that can be triggering tight and tender skin. Keep reading for more!
Sorry folks, but aging is something we can’t avoid.
As we age, our skin has a difficult time producing moisture (AKA natural oils). Simply put, aging makes our skin more susceptible to dryness and irritation. The reason this occurs is because the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin) becomes thinner and the stratum corneum can’t retain as much water as it once did, leading to dullness and dehydration. Bummer, we know, but such is life. That’s why products that contain hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and fatty alcohols are key for locking in moisture. Lucky for you, we have a product that incorporates these hydrating ingredients. You can read more about our Retinol Cream, which helps to not only treat wrinkles and fine lines, but also unwanted acne, here!
Lack of Sleep
Sleep deprivation can not only wreak havoc on your mind and body, but also on your skin.
When you don’t get enough rest, your skin’s moisture and pH levels decrease, which can result in a red, dehydrated, complexion. Essentially, the drop in pH levels creates an imbalance and makes it difficult for your skin to produce the moisture it needs to maintain that youthful, radiant glow. And we know that it may not be possible to accomplish seven to nine hours of sleep every evening, but if it’s Netflix that’s keeping you from getting a solid snooze, it’s time to stop counting episodes and start counting sheep.
Although hot showers feel awesome, they can seriously aggravate your skin, especially if they’re frequently taken under warm temperatures.
When water is too hot, it can both strip your skin of its essential oils and easily open your skin’s pores. We’re not suggesting you bathe in frigid-like temperatures but do opt. for lukewarm water once you’ve stepped into the shower. Your skin will thank you. And if your skin’s exposed to air for long without being moisturized, it can begin to feel tight, itchy, and dry, so slathering on your favorite body butter as soon as you’ve finished scrub-a-dub-dubbing is key. Also keep in mind that when skin is damp, it absorbs products more effectively.
Sorry sun worshippers, but those long afternoons repeatedly basking under UV rays aren’t the best idea.
Routine sun exposure can cause your skin to gradually lose moisture and essential oils. For some, the effects are immediate and come in the form of a sunburn, where skin feels tight and sore and appears blotchy and red. But do keep in mind that just because a burn hasn’t appeared on your skin that the damage hasn’t been done. The more long-term consequences of sun damage are characterized by dry, dull skin, and at times, uneven skin tone and brown pigmented marks. Now, this isn’t to say that sun exposure is something to completely avoid. After all, it’s the best source of vitamin D! All we advise is that you limit how often you spend under the sun and wear sunscreen with a suitable amount of SPF.
Insufficient Water Intake
Remember folks, when you’re dehydrated on the inside, it shows on the outside.
We know that with the warm weather approaching, you’ll be more inclined to guzzle down creamy iced coffees and bubbly alcoholic sodas, but these beverages aren’t what your skin needs, especially if it’s looking dull and feeling dry. Insufficient water intake also affects your skin’s natural ability to perform simple functions, one of which is to effectively turn over cells. If your skin is unable to shed layers of skin and make way for new cells to form, an accumulation of dead cells will linger on the surface, leading to flaking and drying. And we can’t forget to mention that water-based serums and moisturizers help to quench your skin’s thirst, too. For an extra dose of H2O, check out our Hyaluronic Acid Serum here.
The Bottom Line
No matter the type of skin you have, you’re bound to experience some level of drying discomfort at some point. And when this does happen, we don’t want you to jump the gun and automatically assume it’s your skincare products that’re aggravating that complexion of yours. With that said, the next time you find that your skin is feeling itchy, irritated, and/or dry, we hope you’ll keep these six triggers in mind. And don’t forget to follow and connect with us on socials! We’d love to know if you found any of these factors surprising and/or disappointing (like the fact that your routine crispy, cheesy chips may not be doing your skin any good). Chat soon!